Gender and Peace Workshop, Another Forum for Communication
Last week, I was amazed and inspired by the effectiveness of reporting centers and safe spaces for communication between families, and this week is no different. I continue to be impressed with the discussion and problem solving around community issues, in this case gender inequality and injustices.
I was fortunate to attend a “Gender and Peace Training” facilitated by three organizations from the Palu area, YAMMI (Indonesia Civil Society Foundation), SHK (Community Forestry System) and Yayasan Bone Bula (White Sand Foundation). These three groups set out to map the District of Donggala for causes of potential conflict, and a few of their findings include, competition for access to and control of natural resources, inadequate data about ethic groups in this area and policies which are not gender inclusive. From the participatory community mapping, YAMMI, SHK and Bone Bula realized that community members’ understanding and knowledge of gender was less sophisticated than they assumed, so the “Gender and Peace” training was adjusted to address the community members’ specific needs.
The “Gender and Peace” training, which included local men and women, related a variety of information about gender including a discussion on the basic differences of sex and gender leading to increased verbalization of gender injustices in communities. The workshop also included discussions about the discrepancies between the types and amount of work that men and women perform, the barriers to work women face, and the lack of women’s participation in community development and policy. To highlight these differences the workshop facilitator, Jerna Wati from the Indonesia Women’s Coalition, along with the participants, created a timetable or daily schedule, describing women’s and men’s tasks throughout the day. The differences were staggering; women’s schedules were slam-packed with household chores, food preparation and child care, as men’s schedules, with jobs outside the household, had considerably more free-time, involvement in the community and influence in public policies. The workshop participants also discussed the negative effects that these differences in the work force have on women’s health, education and access to information and technology. Following the training the participants chose to lobby their local governments to ensure women are invited to participate in village development planning. In addition workshop participants now better realize gender inequalities and are eager and motivated to hold meetings in their own communities to disseminate this information.
I recognize a discussion about sex and gender, and the realization of gender inequalities will not change communities and policy overnight, but it is a step in the right direction. However, from one workshop on gender the impact could be life changing. Communities will include women’s perspectives and opinions in employment and governmental policy making, and begin discussions about gender with members of their communities. Again I am realizing the power of communication and conversation to avoid violence and maintain peace; all it takes is people talking to one another and understanding multiple points of view. As women verbalize their experiences with gender inequality, and become empowered to discuss their concerns with the government, their communities and their families, I am confident that these women and men will create positive, peaceful and gender inclusive change.

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